The Full Story
Hello and welcome! During this time of social distancing, Disability Services will be sharing virtual programming. Join us Monday thru Friday for games, crafts, and more!
Please check the home page throughout the week for pre-recorded audio and video. These recordings will be available at 12 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Join us for live, interactive activities on Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3 p.m. Participants will need access to Cisco Webex on their preferred internet browser. Links will be provided. To join the livestream enter your name and disabilityservices@cityofirvine.org as the email.
*for Friday Arts & Crafts please contact the office for a craft-kit. Craft-kits are available for pick up at Sweet Shade Ability Center by Appointment or by mail.
For help accessing programming please email us at disabilityservices@cityofirvine.org or call us at 949-724-6637.
Thank you,
Disability Services Staff